

Direct yet conceptual. Provocative and engaging. Design & illustration for brands, publications, and people.


Hello, I’m Austin!

Design for me started with Microsoft Paint and designing wallpapers for my parents computer, all because I didn’t like the ‘plain Jane’ options that everyone had. During my years in college, I changed between design and photography a few times. Working a design with photos was cool and all, but I wanted to learn how to get the results I wanted with my own camera as well.

I balanced my day job with school and my creative work, all while also working at an internship. Eventually, I quit both my day job and my internship the day after graduation, and started my career in the field a week later. I’ve been designing, directing, and creating ever since!

My creative approach—no matter the medium—is to find points of tension behind the idea I’ve been assigned or am interested in. I do several iterations on each point and usually end up refining the one I find fits my end goal and the clients vision the best. Sometimes what someone wants, isn’t what they need, but they typically don’t know it until they see the options at hand.